Welcome to STEM GLOBAL.

About Us
organization is STEM GLOBAL

STEM was born with a visionary movement of people from various fields. It’s the brainchild of Mr. Srinivasan, a well-known entrepreneur in the fitness industry who has been…

About STEM
About STEM

Science, Technology, engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) permeate every aspect of today’s world, and the innovations that emerge from these fields…

why stem

The on-going programme of reform in our education system is driven by a shared policy focused on better outcomes for all learners, raising standards of teaching, learning, and…

Outcome of STEM Education
Outcome of STEM Education

1. Scientific inquiry
2. Scientific reasoning
1. Application of scientific and…

About STEM

Making the schools to extend their institutional expression of interest forms. Invite the same schools’ principals to attend our seminars which will be conducted in some…

Programme for teachers
why stem

The on-going programme of reform in our education system is driven by a shared policy focused on better outcomes for all learners, raising standards of teaching, learning and…

STEM Education
About STEM

As the development of conceptual science knowledge represents complex, idiosyncratic processes, the choice of an adequate statistical model is…

NASA Programme
why stem

NASA STEM @ Home for Students — Find crafting ideas, science experiments with household items and videos to watch as a family. Grades K-4 | Grades 5-8 | Grades…

Video links

Experiments in Science, Science Invention, NASA STEM Stars

Model mock questions
About STEM
why stem
Photos & Video Gallery

Experiments in Science, Science Invention, NASA STEM Stars

We have helped over 1000 students across 12 countries

Here is what some of them have to say about us!
Exam Readiness- 5.0 / 5.0
Success- 4.8 / 5.0

Ravi D

Really good communication and quality training opportunities

Madhan .S

Great environment and is supportive and friendly.

Arul Selvan

Nice working for a business that has such a clear impact. My time at STEM Global edu offered me a number of opportunities for progression and I was supported throughout.

Lakshmi Ganesan

Great benefits, including pension and holidays. Lovely building to work in and staff are supportive and friendly. Opportunities to learn and progress, which I have benefitted from whilst working here. Nice to work for company that has clear goals and vision and is making a positive impact.

Why you will love learning with STEM GLOBAL

MCQ Based active learning
MCQ Based active learning
Mendel Video Lectures
Mendel Video Lectures
Mendel SketchNotes
Mendel SketchNotes
Tests and discussions
Tests and discussions
1:1 interaction with mentor
1:1 interaction with mentor
Performance Analysis
Performance Analysis
Private WhatsApp group
Private Telegram group
High-Yield Core Concepts
High-Yield Core Concepts
Research publications
Research publications
Mock Interviews
Mock Interviews
PS/CV review
PS/CV review

Sample Lectures

Past Webinars

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About Us

organization is STEM GLOBAL

STEM was born with a visionary movement of people from various fields. It’s the brainchild of Mr. Srinivasan, a well-known entrepreneur in the fitness industry who has been recognized and celebrated by various bodies for his excellence in corporate management within the fitness industry.

STEM has Professor A. Vijaya Kumar on its advisory board. He has an impressive background as an educationalist with 40 years of experience, having been an international associate partner with the University of Cambridge, and is currently associated with the Ministry of Labour and Employment Service in the career management services division. Over the course of his career, Professor A. Vijaya Kumar has educated, trained, and developed more than 2.0 lakh teachers (200,000 teachers) in the last 30 years. Additionally, he has been part of the National mission to create an entrepreneurial ecosystem in India, where he has trained over 50 lakh (5 million) college students to create awareness of entrepreneurship as a career option. Furthermore, Professor A. Vijaya Kumar has provided corporate advisory services for various private and public enterprises as well as non-governmental organizations.

It’s wonderful to see the efforts of the whole STEM core management team in contributing to the various industries and education sectors, respectively. Their dedication and achievements have been duly recognized and have had a positive impact on society.


The Indian Educational System is at a crossroads.

Millions of students are at the goodwill of our educational planners, government policymakers, schools, teachers, and Parents.

All the above stakeholders are now putting their knowledge, skills, and experience to work to make education more interesting, knowledge acquisition more user-friendly, an integrated approach more competitive, and a complete solution for school-going children.

The STEM PROJECT that we are launching will have an interesting and interactive WEBSITE & an APP to encourage students to participate with natural enthusiasm.

We are also making our process a key emphasis under the ongoing New Educational Policies of the central and state governments to nurture students to become effective lifelong learners, equipped with appropriate knowledge and generic skills, as well as values and attitudes necessary for facing challenges in the 21st Century.

As a part of this programme, we are going to take ‘A’ GRADE students to NASA, U.S.A., and next Grade students to ISRO & other institutions of scientific importance in INDIA.

About STEM

About STEM

STEM is an acronym for the academic disciplines of


Science, Technology, engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) permeate every aspect of today’s world, and the innovations that emerge from these fields underpin much economic development, leading to the establishment of creative enterprises and rewarding careers. 

Our education system plays a key role in equipping learners with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to effect these changes. 

STEM education is multifaceted and goes well beyond the main disciplines that constitute the acronym STEM. 

The foundations for STEM education begin in early childhood. From the earliest years, through their play experiences and family environment, children engage with the world in ways that can promote Learning related to Science, Technology, engineering, and Mathematics. 

Science enables us to develop our interest in and understanding of the living, material, and physical worlds and develops the skills of collaboration, research, critical inquiry, and experimentation. 

Technology covers a range of fields that involve the application of knowledge, skills, and computational thinking to extend human capabilities and help satisfy human needs and wants, operating at the interface of science and society. 

Engineering is about the design and creation of products and processes, drawing on scientific methods to provide the skills and knowledge to solve real-world problems. 

Mathematics equips us with the skills needed to interpret and analyse information, simplify and solve problems, assess risk, make informed decisions, and further understand the world around us through modelling both abstract and concrete problems.

Providing a high-quality stem education experience

Engaging with high-quality STEM experiences at a young age can have a lasting impact on learners, as it can set the stage for their later engagement and success in these fields. Such experiences can encourage and support children to articulate and represent their explorations, discoveries, thinking, and understanding, which in turn can help build critical early STEM knowledge and skills.


why stem

The on-going programme of reform in our education system is driven by a shared policy focused on better outcomes for all learners, raising standards of teaching, learning, and assessment, and school improvement. 

Young people need to understand and be capable of using skills and concepts developed through STEM education to be active citizens, to engage with modern communications and media in a critical way, to ensure personal well-being, and to make informed choices about many aspects of their lives to develop skills and concepts among the students.

It focuses on skill-based learning. 

The traditional methods of learning focused on memorization techniques. 

It is an amalgamation of all four subjects into a comprehensive one through an interdisciplinary curriculum. 

It helps students deal with real-world situations. 

They apply their learning to create, innovate, and discover new things. 

Also, it has been proven that students who adopt the STEM learning approach have better chances of getting placed at good companies. 

Enhance critical thinking, motivate experimentation, and foster teamwork. 

The foundations for STEM education begin in early childhood. From the earliest years, through their play experiences and family environment, children engage with the world in ways that can promote Learning related to Science, Technology, engineering, and mathematics 

Science enables us to develop our interest in and understanding of the living, material, and physical worlds and develops the skills of collaboration, research, critical inquiry, and experimentation. 

Technology covers a range of fields that involve the application of knowledge, skills, and computational thinking to extend human capabilities and help satisfy human needs and wants, operating at the interface of science and society. 

Engineering is about the design and creation of products and processes, drawing on scientific methods to provide the skills and knowledge to solve real-world problems. 

Mathematics equips us with the skills needed to interpret and analyse information, simplify and solve problems, assess risk, make informed decisions, and further understand the world around us through modelling both abstract and concrete problems.

STEM in India

With visionary education policy and the complexities of the new normal after the pandemic, the teaching and learning processes have changed forever.

To keep up with innovative changes like online schooling, Our academicians also identified that STEM education is the need of the hour. As of 2020, India saw an upward trend in these jobs. Clearly, STEM graduates have better employment prospects. 80% of the jobs in the upcoming years will require some form of math and science skills.

STEM players will rule the “JOBS OF TOMORROW”.

Role of teachers and parents:


Parents can help children improve and enhance their STEM learning even further.

Kids enjoy experiential learning more when their parents actively participate in it.

This helps enhance their cognitive skills.

Parents can help promote STEM learning at home by allowing their children to participate in various household activities.

Encouraging kids to learn coding.

Use do-it-yourself (DIY) STEM education kits.

Teachers have to guide and manage students in the classroom to

view that students are actively engaged in critical thinking and problem solving.

How can we teach stem for 4th to 12th standard?

Creative problem-solving skills with STEM lessons.

Students apply STEM concepts to solve real-world problems.

Bringing real-world applications to STEM subjects

Integrating core concepts for more dimensional learning

Allow students to experiment and create solutions.

Students can choose to follow the science experiment as written or put their own spin on the project.

Encouraging exploration and innovation to solve problems.

They are utilising it by doing projects like setting up candy wrappers, a leaning tower of pasta, a toothpick bridge, a backyard weather station, etc.

How stem is connected to daily life:

  1. Baking: While you are doing so, you can continuously teach them math lessons by measuring cups, calculating, adding recipes, and learning addition, subtraction, and so on.
  2. Cleaning is a day-to day activity that kids can learn a lot about STEM. The products like vacuum cleaners, wipers, and other technological tools that are used in the cleaning process give an experience of how the technology works.
  3. Shopping: While you make your shopping list, you can discuss the required items and the cost of each item mentioned in the list, and you can talk about a simple calculation.
  4. Going out for a ride: Utilise that time to explain to them about speed, velocity, distance, etc.
  5. Thinking about the solutions: STEM labs offer various courses that further facilitate STEM learning activities. In their learning years, we offer them the chance to explain and develop an interest in these subjects and make them the road to success.

How we conduct tests and assessments

Success in meeting lesson criteria:

Your lessons will have criteria that students methods and prototypes should meet.

Proficiency in thinking like an engineer:

The assessment formats vary a great deal, ranging from traditional formats such as standardised tests to research-oriented observational methods.

(e.g., interviews, video analysis)

Examples of formative assessments include asking students to:

  • Create a research proposal.
  • Write or draw a quick summary of what they learned in class.
  • Draw a concept map to show they understand a topic.
  • Build a prototype for a project.

Outcome of STEM Education

Outcome of STEM Education


  1. Scientific inquiry
  2. Scientific reasoning


  1. Application of scientific and technical knowledge
  2. Making good use of resources
  3. Innovating updating products and systems creativity


  1. Design thinking
  2. Iterative improvement and optimization


  1. Models and relationships
  2. Data literacy
  3. Mathematical language
  4. Calculation and logical thinking

21st century skills

  1. Self directed learning
  2. Innovation
  3. Problem solving skill
  4. Collaboration
  5. Creativity
  6. Entrepreneurial spirit

Integrated STEM-based community service learning curriculum:

  1. Community service issues
  2. Empathize with user needs
  3. Define design goal
  4. Ideate solutions
  5. Design solutions
  6. Collect feedback and improve design
  7. Changes in creativity, collaboration, perseverance & career interest in STEM
  8. Changes in integrated knowledge
  9. Communication & teamwork
  10. Refined solutions
  11. Resources & support
  12. Community service knowledge
  13. Stem knowledge

Equity mind-set:

  1. Identify awareness
  2. Intercultural mindfulness
  3. Inclusive relationship
  4. Influential actions
  5. Governance & leadership
  6. Membership
  7. Recognition
  8. Professional development
  1. STEM workforce
  2. STEM literate society
  3. Work advance and innovate-industry/community
  4. Challenge and prepare- tertiary
  5. Enhance STEM skills- upper/past secondary
  6. Develop and build STEM skills-lower secondary
  7. Make connection/ build foundation-primary
  8. Nurture/ inspire interest-early childhood

Purpose of STEM education- Nurturing talents for integration.

Is the class appropriate for the purpose of nurturing talents for integration?

Concept of STEM education- Increasing students interest, connection to the real world, cultivation of integrated thinking abilities

Is the class designed to increase the students interest in scientific technology?

In the theme related to scientific technology in the real world?

Is the program designed to cultivate the integrated thinking abilities of students?

Learning standard framework of STEM classes- context presentation and creative design

Connections to the real world.

Does the class present problematic situations for students to solve in real world?

Interest and immersion

Is it is specific situation that can arouse the interest of students and appropriate for their level?


Is the process of creative design clearly revealed for the students to think about how they will solve the problem?

Focusing on students

Is the class made up of activities focusing on play and experiences and is there a process for the students to personally devise and think about the issues at hand?

Results (ideas)

Is the class designed for various results (or ideas) to be presented by each students (or group) as a result of creative design?

The STEM fields are wide and varied, including:

The STEM fields are wide and varied, including

Some of the fields of STEM careers.

Some of the fields of STEM careers.

According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), many of the most in-demand jobs today will disappear by 2030.


Outcome of STEM Education
  • Making the schools to extend their institutional expression of interest forms.
  • Invite the same schools’ principals to attend our seminars which will be conducted in some reputed conference  
  • Identify schools which are interested to nominate their students of their schools studying From 4th std to 9th
  • Our trained executives will follow up the schools to demonstrate how the students can participate.
  • Interested students will carry the broachers and admission forms to their homes for parents reference or parents can view our app.
  • Parents will then float their enquiries to the designated teachers who will be trained by us for this purpose of handling the
  • Then interested parents will pay the registration fee of Rs.1500, which the school will collect and pay to us after deducting 10% from the fee for their service charges.
  • The students will then interact through our APPS and also through our WEBSITES and WHATSAPP VIDEOS for their knowledge and skill development.
  • On a specified date we will conduct the quiz or talent identification tests to select A GRADE students for our NASA VISIT to S.A.
  • The remaining students will receive on going mentorship through  online  programmes and receive gift mementos from the They will also receive two certificates,
  • Proficiency certificate
  • Grade certificate.

Programme for teachers

Outcome of STEM Education

Module 1

  • Effective communication.
  • Effective human relations.
  • Effective leadership and supervision.
  • Advanced teaching methodology.
  • Time management.
  • Managing the difficult students.
  • Practical public relation with parents.
  • Problem solving.
  • Role analysis.
  • Goal setting.
  • Integrated personality management.
  • Feedback monitoring.
  • Motivation in school learning.
  • Development of attitudes, interests and values.
  • Quality of work life.

Module 2

  • Creating counselling strategies.
  • Talent identification.
  • Creative or productive thinking.
  • Competency education.
  • Managing academic load on school children.
  • Strengthening primary stages of learning.
  • Management education for school children.
  • Learning through discovery.
  • Modernising the school system.
  • Quality control management.
  • Enriching mental health.
  • Principles and leadership roles.
  • Ethics and principle centered leadership.
  • Worldwide imperatives in education.
  • Community education and sustainable development.
  • Technology in classroom.

Module 3

  • Right brain oriented curriculum.
  • Intelligent quotient/ potential quotient/ emotional quotient.
  • Educational intelligence.
  • General management.
  • Character education.
  • Reaching the unreachable through academic excellence.
  • Parents as teachers, teachers as parents.
  • School to run like the factory and research lab.
  • Home instruction.
  • Education of pride and achievement.
  • Role of the teacher in the class room.
  • Experimental educational learning.
  • Motivating kids to be the head of the class.
  • Establishing effective-home-school partnership.
  • Strengthening school for non-traditional families.
  • Overcoming academic problems.

Module 4

  • GUIDANCE: A new dimension of creative teaching.
  • Personality and children’s adjustment problems.
  • Emotional development.
  • Social development.
  • Transfer and functional learning.
  • Discovering the children’s potentialities, intelligence and aptitudes.
  • Evaluation of learning.
  • Individual differences in mental abilities, their educational implications.
  • Education and training.
  • Personal, social and moral education.
  • The multiple functions of education.

Module 5

  • Education and national development in India.
  • Education beyond school.
  • Organisation and management.
  • Effectiveness and evaluation in educational institutions.
  • Education and training for managing educational institutions.
  • Agencies and strategies for curriculum change.
  • Teacher’s expectations and pupil’s achievements.
  • Communicative competence on language teaching.
  • Learning through discussion.
  • Syndicate methods.
  • Computer assisted learning.
  • Creating open learning system.
  • Co-operative teaching.

Module 6

  • Criterion referenced assessment.
  • Assessment of practical skills.
  • School-based assessment.
  • Individual differences and development.
  • The theory of multiple intelligence.
  • Educating gifted children.
  • Development in home and school environment.
  • The development of moral and religious ideas and behaviour.
  • Personality and cognitive style.
  • Integrated education.
  • Children with emotional and behavioural difficulties.
  • Non directive learning.

Programme Features:

  1. Ensure an individual’s ability to understand and apply the principles in the practice of education.
  2. It provides a greater understanding of academic environments, giving the tools needed to operate at higher levels.
  3. Develop knowledge for a wide range of key academic areas in practical manner and illustrate in which these can be applied to workplace scenarios.
  4. Integrate across key functional areas of educational management and implement a coherent strategy.
  5. Emphasize the importance of balance between knowledge and the skills necessary to create effective teachers through continuous interaction.
  6. Interact and learn from educational experts and learning educationist.
  7. Quality learning material and delivery.
  8. Flexible, integrated programme structure.
  9. The enables, the candidates to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of key principles in learning and development.
  10. An ability continuously to evaluate and improve learning activities, professional practices and own competence as a teacher.

STEM Education

Outcome of STEM Education

A pillars of stem

STEM is an approach of teaching that’s larger than its constituent parts STEM removes the traditional barriers erected between the four disciplines, by integrating the four subjects into one cohesive curriculum the STEM challenge

The problem

Just as the nation’s economic engines and national security measures have come to rest squarely of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), American students are recoiling from these disciplines in record numbers.

The current state of stem

Many students not receiving an adequate STEM education

Focus often on speciality or magnet high schools

STEM subjects not taught every day in many schools

 29% of 4th-8th students report teaching science two or fewer days per Week The STEM challenge.

Preparation of life

STEM prepares students for life, regardless of the profession they choose to follow. STEM teaches students how to think critically and how to solve problems- skills that can be used throughout life.

The critical part of stem

Improved STEM programs can create individuals capable of new solutions and better decisions Increased science and math capability is not enough Experiences centred on design, innovation, engineering, and technology increase creativity, inventiveness, ingenuity and imagination capabilities

These characteristics are fostered in STEM centred learning experiences. The STEM challenge,

The tall order

Preparing the next- generation to succeed in life is a tall order. And, we will substantially fail if we don’t teach children how to think critically and solve ill-structured problems.

What we need in schools stem content integrated in all courses

More engaged learning/ less lecture;

More ill-structured problem solving;

More strategies that cause students to seek STEM content answers;

More underrepresented populations engaging in STEM; and,

More collaborative learning experiences.

We need to emphasize critical thinking

Problem solving ability development

Leadership/ teamwork development

Ethics and responsibility

Invention, imagination, and ingenuity

Communication skill development

The inclusion of engineering design

Why is this important?

Invention and innovation

Generate & research ideas

 Source of ideas?

Interrogating our personal bank of    knowledge (Mental warehouse) Existing common body of knowledge Quality of design?

     Different points of view

How do we change the status quo?

First, recognize that there is a problem.

Too many Indians don’t see the real-life value of STEM.

The Indian economic advantage is centered on our ability to innovate/ create new ideas

Integrated STEM education can supply that product.

Innovation is what allows the Indian to compete.

Creating new marketable ideas starts with STEM education.

What do stem teachers do?

STEM teachers pose problems and combine problem       solving with project based learning across disciplines.

Developing students critical thinking, communication, assessment, and inquiry skills.

Using real-world problems

Real-world problem-solving is the essence of STEM lessons. Solving real-world problems causes students to use/expand higher-order thinking skills.

Identifying creative, real-world problems for students is the essence of STEM teaching.

Good stem lessons…accomplish these things:

Apply math/science through authentic, hands-on learning

Include the use/creation to technology requires the use of the engineering design loop

Require collaborative teamwork emphasize math/science/technology standards address real-world problems

What do students gain?

Creativity- Thinking on their feet, ‘outside the box’.

Confidence-n Building confidence needed to thrive in a competitive workplace.

Problem solving- Without realizing it, students are consistently challenged to solve problems. This develops skills in reasoning and understanding.

What do students gain?

Focus – Balancing listening/contributing involves a great deal of concentration/focus.

Communication- Defending ideas/theories is a core skill and one that is required throughout life.

Receiving constructive feedback- feedback is part of learning/ part of (not everyone gets a trophy!)

What do students gain?

Collaboration – students work together, share responsibility, and compromise with others to accomplish a common goal.

Dedication- students practice developing healthy work habits (on-time, prepared, respecting the contributions of others).

Accountability- understanding that their actions affect other people.

Characteristics of effective program

        Use ill-structured, design based STEM problems.

Utilize the engineering design loop

Focus on conducting research/information gathering

Use content rich/real-world problems

Integrate content from multiple disciplines

Offer problems with multiple potential solutions

  Use collaborative, team-based strategies

Use performance-based assessment measures

Provide opportunities to present/defend ideas

Utilize content experts outside school

Project-based laerning (pbl)

Problem solving skills

Self-directed learning skills

How to find/use resources Critical thinking Expanded knowledge base Performance ability

Social and ethical skills

Proactive thinking

Self-sufficiency & self-motivation

Facility with computer

Leadership skills

Ability to work on a team

Communication skills

Workspace skills

  1. International awareness  Appreciation of cultural diversity

Proficiency in world languages   competitive skills policy brief

21st century standards   21st century assessments 21st century curriculum & instruction 21st century learning environments partnership for 21st century skills.

  1. Focuses on 21st century skills, content knowledge and expertise.

Builds understanding across and among core subjects as well as 21st century interdisciplinary themes emphasizes deep understanding rather than shallow knowledge engages students with the real world data, tools, and experts they will encounter in college, on the job, and n life-students learn best when actively engaged in solving meaningful problems. Allows for multiple measures of mastery

  1. Supports a balance of assessments, including high-quality standardized testing along with effective classroom formative and summative assessments. Emphasizes useful feedback on student performance that is embedded into everyday learning. Requires a balance of technology-enhanced, formative and summative assessments that measure student mastery of 21st century skills. Enables development of portfolios of student work that demonstrate mastery of 21st century skills to educators and prospective employers system’s effectiveness at reaching high levels of student competency in 21st century
  2. Teaches 21st century skills discretely in the context of core subjects and 21st century themes. Focuses on providing opportunities for applying 21st century skills across content areas and for a competency-based approach to learning. Enables innovative learning methods that integrate the use of supportive technologies, inquiry- and problem-based approaches and higher order thinking skills. Encourages the integration of community resources beyond school walls
  1. Highlights ways teachers can seize opportunities for integrating 21st century skills, tools and teaching strategies into their classroom practice- and help them identify what activities they can replace/de-emphasize. Balances direct instruction with project-oriented teaching methods illustrate how a deeper understanding of subject matter can actually enhance problem-solving, critical thinking, and other 21st century skills. Enables 21st century professional learning communities for teachers that model the kinds of classroom learning that best promotes 21st century skills for students. Cultivates teachers’ ability to identify students’ particular learning styles, intelligences, strengths and weakness. Helps teachers develop their abilities to use various .
  2. Creates learning practices, human support and physical environments that will support the teaching and learning of 21st century skill outcomes. Support professional learning communities that enable educators to collaborate, share best practices. Enables students to learn in relevant, real skills into classroom practice. Enables students to learn in relevant, real world 21st century contexts (e.g., through project-based or other applied work). Allows equitable access to quality learning tools, technologies and resources. Provides 21st century architectural and interior designs for group, team and individual learning. Supports expanded community and international involvement in learning, both face-to-face and online.

About NASA programme

Outcome of STEM Education

NASA STEM @ Home for Students — Find crafting ideas, science experiments with household items and videos to watch as a family.

Grades K-4 | Grades 5-8 | Grades 9-12

NASA Science at Home — From formal lesson plans to amazing imagery and stories about how science and exploration are lifting our world. There will also be ongoing opportunities to chat and interact with scientists directly.

NASA’s Space Place — videos, activities, crafts and more for kids.

Learning Space with NASA at Home — activities for a variety of grade levels.

Coloring Books — Activities and coloring pages on a wide variety of NASA topics.

Life at the Lab — Behind-the-scenes videos of concepts and technologies. 

Download NASA apps — The NASA app offers news and multimedia from around the agency; other applications focus individual NASA projects or research areas.

Wavelength — a broad collection of materials about NASA science missions and their research.

Astronomy and Planetary Exploration

Code a Mars Helicopter Video Game — Create a video game that lets players explore the Red Planet with a helicopter like the one going to Mars with NASA’s Perseverance rover.

Dial-a-Moon: Download a high-resolution image of the Moon for any day in 2020.

Eclipse Activities — Models and activities that explain the science behind eclipses.

Exoplanet Coloring Pages — Use your imagination to explore planets beyond our solar system.

Exoplanet Travel Bureau — Take a trip outside our solar system.

ExoQuest — Travel into deep space in search of strange and unusual planets that lurk beyond our solar system – called exoplanets. Amaze your family and friends with the knowledge you will gain and the discoveries that you will uncover.

Eyes on Exoplanets — There are billions of planets in our galaxy, many in Earth’s size range. Explore these strange, new worlds.

Five Ways to Find an Exoplanet — How do scientists find planets beyond our solar system?

Galaxy of Horrors — A planet where it’s raining glass? Terrifying. Explore it and other bizarre worlds.

Hubble Space Telescope — Online activities to learn about the universe, the amazing images Hubble has taken, and the fascinating history of the telescope.

Hubblesite Resource for Learning — Resources for learners that span the Hubble Space Telescope’s mission, from its beginning to the innovative science it is enabling today.

Activities and programs to learn about NASA’s next Great Observatory.

Learn Science — Educational activities related to NASA’s scientific research for a variety of age groups.

Life and Death of a Planetary System — How did we get here? How do stars and planets come into being? What happens during a star’s life, and what fate will its planets meet when it dies? Come along on this interstellar journey through time and scientific detective work.

Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission — Make a paper model of NASA’s mission to study how the Earth and Sun transfer energy to one another.

Make the Most of Your Universe — activities to learn about the universe from the team at NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory.

Moon Observation Journal — a printout you can use to track the phases of the Moon.

NASA’s Universe of Learning at Home –- Activities for all ages to engage in the science of NASA astrophysics and astronomy from home. 

Parker Solar Probe — At-home activities to learn about the Sun.

Print and Share — Posters and lithographs to download and share from NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.

Space Travel Hazards Game — Can you travel through space safely? Learn how radiation in space can affect mission success.

The Sun and the Earth — Lesson plans and other materials on the relationship between the Sun and the Earth.

ViewSpace –- A web-based collection of digital interactives and hundreds of videos highlighting the latest developments in astronomy and Earth science. 

What Did Hubble See on Your Birthday — In 30 years, the Hubble Space Telescope has taken pictures on every date on the calendar. Find it what it was looking at on your birthday.

Earth Science

Aerosols Quiz — Answer a few questions to learn about aerosols — tiny particles suspended in our atmosphere — and the Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission.

Globe educational resources — The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program allows students and the public worldwide to participate in data collection and the scientific process, and contribute meaningfully to our understanding of the Earth system and global environment. Resources by grade: K-2 | 3-5 | 6-8 | 9-12.

EO Kids — activities and materials from NASA’s Earth Observatory, showing how NASA studies the Earth from space, from the air and on the ground.

Global Precipitation Measurement mission education — A variety of educational activities, sortable by type and grade level, on NASA’s mission to study Earth’s water cycle, weather and climate.

Fun Zone — Videos, activities and interactives about NASA’s mission to study Earth’s ice-covered regions.

The Carbon Cycle Game: Travel along the marine carbon cycle and learn about the ocean. (Grades 9-12)

“Which Phytoplankton Are You?” Quiz — Answer four questions to discover which of these diverse organisms is most like you!

Human Space Flight

How to Draw Artemis — Draw the rocket that will take the next astronauts to the Moon.

Imagine You’re an Astronaut — It can be a little cramped staying inside the space station all that time. Astronauts still need to do their everyday living. Imagine you and your family are astronauts on the space station right now. How would you adapt to the challenges and still keep doing important routines, like exercising, learning and making time for fun?

Space Communications and Navigation — activities to learn about how NASA communicates with spacecraft and helps them navigate through space.

Space Technology

NASA SOLVE — Interested in helping NASA solve tough problems? Visit NASA SOLVE, where you’ll find opportunities to participate in challenges, prize competitions, crowdsourcing, and citizen science activities”

Space Tech Activities for Junior Explorers — explore what NASA and our national parks have in common and how space technology benefits your life, parks and the planet. 


Scientific Development

Scientific Development

1 Videos

Innovation for Children

Innovation for Children

1 Videos

Experiments in Science

Experiments in Science

1 Videos

Science Invention


Model mock questions

Outcome of STEM Education

NASA STEM @ Home for Students — Find crafting ideas, science experiments with household items and videos to watch as a family.

Grades K-4 | Grades 5-8 | Grades 9-12

NASA Science at Home — From formal lesson plans to amazing imagery and stories about how science and exploration are lifting our world. There will also be ongoing opportunities to chat and interact with scientists directly.

NASA’s Space Place — videos, activities, crafts and more for kids.

Learning Space with NASA at Home — activities for a variety of grade levels.

Coloring Books — Activities and coloring pages on a wide variety of NASA topics.

Life at the Lab — Behind-the-scenes videos of concepts and technologies. 

Download NASA apps — The NASA app offers news and multimedia from around the agency; other applications focus individual NASA projects or research areas.

Wavelength — a broad collection of materials about NASA science missions and their research.

Astronomy and Planetary Exploration

Code a Mars Helicopter Video Game — Create a video game that lets players explore the Red Planet with a helicopter like the one going to Mars with NASA’s Perseverance rover.

Dial-a-Moon: Download a high-resolution image of the Moon for any day in 2020.

Eclipse Activities — Models and activities that explain the science behind eclipses.

Exoplanet Coloring Pages — Use your imagination to explore planets beyond our solar system.

Exoplanet Travel Bureau — Take a trip outside our solar system.

ExoQuest — Travel into deep space in search of strange and unusual planets that lurk beyond our solar system – called exoplanets. Amaze your family and friends with the knowledge you will gain and the discoveries that you will uncover.

Eyes on Exoplanets — There are billions of planets in our galaxy, many in Earth’s size range. Explore these strange, new worlds.

Five Ways to Find an Exoplanet — How do scientists find planets beyond our solar system?

Galaxy of Horrors — A planet where it’s raining glass? Terrifying. Explore it and other bizarre worlds.

Hubble Space Telescope — Online activities to learn about the universe, the amazing images Hubble has taken, and the fascinating history of the telescope.

Hubblesite Resource for Learning — Resources for learners that span the Hubble Space Telescope’s mission, from its beginning to the innovative science it is enabling today.

Activities and programs to learn about NASA’s next Great Observatory.

Learn Science — Educational activities related to NASA’s scientific research for a variety of age groups.

Life and Death of a Planetary System — How did we get here? How do stars and planets come into being? What happens during a star’s life, and what fate will its planets meet when it dies? Come along on this interstellar journey through time and scientific detective work.

Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission — Make a paper model of NASA’s mission to study how the Earth and Sun transfer energy to one another.

Make the Most of Your Universe — activities to learn about the universe from the team at NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory.

Moon Observation Journal — a printout you can use to track the phases of the Moon.

NASA’s Universe of Learning at Home –- Activities for all ages to engage in the science of NASA astrophysics and astronomy from home. 

Parker Solar Probe — At-home activities to learn about the Sun.

Print and Share — Posters and lithographs to download and share from NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.

Space Travel Hazards Game — Can you travel through space safely? Learn how radiation in space can affect mission success.

The Sun and the Earth — Lesson plans and other materials on the relationship between the Sun and the Earth.

ViewSpace –- A web-based collection of digital interactives and hundreds of videos highlighting the latest developments in astronomy and Earth science. 

What Did Hubble See on Your Birthday — In 30 years, the Hubble Space Telescope has taken pictures on every date on the calendar. Find it what it was looking at on your birthday.

Earth Science

Aerosols Quiz — Answer a few questions to learn about aerosols — tiny particles suspended in our atmosphere — and the Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission.

Globe educational resources — The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program allows students and the public worldwide to participate in data collection and the scientific process, and contribute meaningfully to our understanding of the Earth system and global environment. Resources by grade: K-2 | 3-5 | 6-8 | 9-12.

EO Kids — activities and materials from NASA’s Earth Observatory, showing how NASA studies the Earth from space, from the air and on the ground.

Global Precipitation Measurement mission education — A variety of educational activities, sortable by type and grade level, on NASA’s mission to study Earth’s water cycle, weather and climate.

Fun Zone — Videos, activities and interactives about NASA’s mission to study Earth’s ice-covered regions.

The Carbon Cycle Game: Travel along the marine carbon cycle and learn about the ocean. (Grades 9-12)

“Which Phytoplankton Are You?” Quiz — Answer four questions to discover which of these diverse organisms is most like you!

Human Space Flight

How to Draw Artemis — Draw the rocket that will take the next astronauts to the Moon.

Imagine You’re an Astronaut — It can be a little cramped staying inside the space station all that time. Astronauts still need to do their everyday living. Imagine you and your family are astronauts on the space station right now. How would you adapt to the challenges and still keep doing important routines, like exercising, learning and making time for fun?

Space Communications and Navigation — activities to learn about how NASA communicates with spacecraft and helps them navigate through space.

Space Technology

NASA SOLVE — Interested in helping NASA solve tough problems? Visit NASA SOLVE, where you’ll find opportunities to participate in challenges, prize competitions, crowdsourcing, and citizen science activities”

Space Tech Activities for Junior Explorers — explore what NASA and our national parks have in common and how space technology benefits your life, parks and the planet. 


Outcome of STEM Education

Photos & Video Gallery

Outcome of STEM Education